The National MPS Society’s annual research program has awarded $405,000 in funding for additional research grants.
Dr. Sharon Byers – $90,000 general grant over two years
SA Pathology (WHC site)
Adelaide, Australia
“Can the cell cycle be re-set to normal in the MPS growth plate chondrocytes?”
Dr. Igor Nestrasil – $60,000 MPS I grant
Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
“Probing Oxidative Stress and Neuroinflammation as Potential Therapeutic Targets in MPS I”
Dr. Thomas M. Stulnig – $50,000 MPS II grant
Clinical Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Medical University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria
“Metabolic, microstructural and functional hallmarks of brain alteration in Mucopolysaccharidosis type II.”
Prof. Elvira De Leonibus – $50,000 MPS III grant
Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM)
Pozzuoli, Italy
“Disease mechanisms leading to dopaminergic dysfunction underlying behavioural symptoms inn MPS IIIA”
Dr. Chet Whitley – $50,000 MPS IV grant
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
“Neurocognitive and neuroimaging of Morquio Syndrome – MPS IV”
In addition, the following research grants were funded in collaboration with our research partners.
ISMRD – Dr. Steven Gray and Dr. Charles Vite – $30,000 ML II/III over two years
University of North Carolina and University of Pennsylvania
“Evaluation of adeno-associated virus gene therapy in the feline model of Mucolipidosis II”
Matthew L. Hirsch – $50,000 MPS I (2016 Million Dollar Bike Ride Matching Funds)
University of North Carolina
“MPS I Cornea Clouding AAV Gene Therapy Project”
Lysosomal Disease Network – $25,000 Multi-syndrome
University of Minnesota
Neuroimaging Core NIH Project
We extend a huge THANK YOU to you and to all the researchers who continue the fight for our children. We look forward to soon announcing the research projects funded by the $100,000 raised in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania and The Ryan Foundation for general MPS research.