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2024 Annual Fund

In a world where hope can seem elusive, some stories reignite our belief in the power of community and compassion. Carl Kapes’ journey with MPS is one such story – a testament to resilience, the strength of the human spirit, and the incredible impact the National MPS Society can have on lives.

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Meet our 2024 Annual Fund Chairperson, Carl Kapes

Carl is a father of four children, including two boys, Ryan and Brayden, affected by MPS IIIA (Sanfilippo syndrome).  Carl and his family faced what so many feel is unimaginable; receiving Ryan’s diagnosis with no treatment or cure options, then reliving that nightmare again, within weeks, with Brayden.  They first dealt with the grief and pain.  Then Carl decided to take the weight of the mountain he was carrying and forge ahead. Read more

What is the Annual Fund?

The Annual Fund is the Society’s way to ask our family and friends to provide the funding base for several key Society programs.

How is my gift used?

Your gift is used in an array of programs that directly benefit individuals and their families.  Learn more