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Xavier Patton


My name is Xavier Cordell Patton and I have MPS II, also known as Hunter’s Syndrome. I’m two years old and I live in  Mississippi, The Hospitality State.  I was diagnosed with Hunter’s Syndrome February 3rd, 2016 at 14 months of age.  I was fortunate to be diagnosed early because there have been other family members with Hunter’s Syndrome and my family recognized it early and sought treatment for me.  MPS II is a rare genetic disorder.  It is caused by a X-linked recessive gene which means it was passed to me through my mother.  My body can’t break down a kind of sugar that builds bones, skin, tendons, and other tissue.  The sugars build up in my cells and  causes damage to many parts of the body.  In Hunter’s Syndrome, the buildup of massive amounts of these harmful substances eventually causes permanent, progressive damage that affects appearance, mental development, organ function and physical abilities. At this time there is not a cure for this disease, but I am able to receive weekly infusion treatments of a medication called Elaprase that is slowing down the progression of my diagnosis and improving my daily lifestyle. I also receive physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy once a week to keep me on track. Doctors believe that they have found a cure but funding is holding up the process. So if you could please donate to help myself and others like me who are affected to get a cure and save our lives!

~A young man that deserves a chance~


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