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Scotty Whitecotton



$20 for 20 years old!!!!
$200 for 20 years old !!!!!! 🙂
Any donation is greatly appreciated.
All funds go to the MPS Society!

Our family has created this donor page in honor of our son Scotty and in memory of his Uncle Russell.  Both Scotty and Russell were diagnosed with severe Hunter Syndrome also known as MPS II.

Scotty was diagnosed at 18 months of age.  This was the worse day of our lives because we knew our time with Scotty would be limited and this disease would cause him both extreme physical pain and developmental impairment.
Scotty’s Uncle Russell passed away from MPS II in 1973 when he was just 12 years old.
MPS II is a genetic disease that primarily affects males. It is caused by the body’s inability to produce specific enzymes. These enzymes are used to break down and recycle materials in the cell.  When enzymes are missing, insufficient storage of glycosaminoglycans, (GAGs), builds up throughout the body. Over time, this storage buildup has created many serious symptoms that we need to monitor regularly in Scotty.

In MPS II, iduronate-2-sulfatase (I2S) is the absent enzyme.  Scotty now receives enzyme replacement treatment that was approved in 2006, but it is not a cure.
For boys like Scotty and Russell who are diagnosed with severe Hunter Syndrome their live expectancy is short.
As a parent, there is nothing more heart wrenching than to know you will outlive your child. This is the reason we have created a donor page. Together we want to raise awareness and funds for the National MPS Society. Funds that will be used to help researchers find treatments and cures for our children. PLEASE HELP OUR CHILDREN!
This year I was honored to be the 2012 Annual Fund Chair along with my mother. Please read this letter and learn more about our family’s journey.
Kim Whitecotton and Lennie Forkas, Annual Fund Chairs, 2012

Click Scotty to visit his caringbridge page!


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