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Makenzie & Isabella Hardesty


Our family was told when the girls were two and three that they suffered a reare genetic disease called MPS VI, Mucopolysaccharidosis.  At that time they had said that children did not live past the age of five.

Today, almost 10 years later – Makenzie and Isabella are still with us.  My oldest niece is about to turn 13.  These girls are my inspiration and I love them dearly.

Please help us and donate to the National MPS Society.  I am hosting an online auction through ebay selling baby dolls.  Our goal is to reach $1,000.00.  We hope you can help us.  Please visit the auction by clicking ???

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The mission of the National MPS Society is to fund research and provide support for families affected by MPS and related diseases.

Please help our family and support the National MPS Society. Every donation will make a difference in the lives of those affected by MPS and related diseases. Please visit for more information.


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